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I LOVE jewellery.  Jewellery is always there.  Throughout history jewellery has been used as a means of self identity and expression.  There are so many different styles, techniques and materials, I could talk forever!


I started out making jewellery more than 20 years ago.  It came about because I was so sick of seeing the same mass produced stuff everywhere – I craved something different.  So I took myself to a local bead shop.  Purchased way more stuff than I needed, and just got started!  My first creations were disasters!  They fell apart more often than not, but with time and perseverance I mastered the art of beading!  then I started getting requests from friends and family for specific items, to match an outfit, or for a special occasion etc, and my small business was born.  I did have a break for a few years, but I missed it so much, I dusted off my supplies and started up again.  This coincided with starting my embroidery business, so it tied in nicely. 


I have no formal education – I go more for the trial and error approach!  I have been lucky enough to attend a few local one-off classes, and have developed further skills over time.  I love to work with gemstones primarily – they bring out my inner magpie!  But I do also love the simplicity of mixed metal designs.  Silver and copper are a joy to work with.


Here is a small gallery of some of my favourite makes.  To see my available pieces, please follow the Etsy link above

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